Make One Right and Make One Left.
Are you familiar with the abbreviations M1R and M1L? These increase stitches are knitted twisted. The result is an invisible increasing without a hole. The method is the same as knitting Yarn Over twisted, only the stitch is tighter. The increase stitch is leaning left or right, depending on which way it is twisted.
You may have knitted M1R or M1L many times without even noticing. Every sock knitter knows that it is good to pick up one extra stitch between the heel and the foot. There you pick up the bar between the stitches and knit it twisted. Now you have made one stitch. But did you know that it is possible to make this increase stitch four different ways?
Right Leaning or Left Leaning Increase?
Make One Right (M1R) increase is leaning to right. The same increase made purlwise is Make One Right Purlwise (M1Rp). This also is leaning to right. M1L and M1Lp are leaning to left. Here I show you how to make them.
M1R =Make One Right
Pick up the bar between two stitches from back to front on left needle. Knit normally into front of loop. You have now made one new stitch. The stitch is twisted and leaning to right.
M1L =Make One Left
Pick up the bar between two stitches from front to back on left needle. Knit into back of loop. You have now made one new stitch. The stitch is twisted and leaning to left.
How to increase stitches purlwise in knitting?
Sometimes it is necessary to increase purlwise. This can be when you are purling on right side of your knitwork. Or sometimes you need to increase also on wrong side. This is the case for example in my lace shawl pattern Tuuli. In this shawl the stitches are increased on every row both sides. So, you need all four variations: M1R, M1L, M1Rp and M1Lp.

Here I show you how to increase purlwise.
M1Rp =Make One Right purlwise
Pick up the bar between two stitches from back to front on left needle. Purl normally into front of loop. You have now made one new stitch. The stitch is twisted and leaning to right.
M1Lp =Make One Left purlwise
Pick up the bar between two stitches from front to back on left needle. Purl into back of loop. You have now made one new stitch. The stitch is twisted and leaning to left.
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I will post regularly knit school articles. Stay tuned and subscribe. Wish you Happy New Year. May it be full of wonderful knitting. Greetings, Piia Maria