How to decrease stitches in knitting?
When you decrease stitches in knitting, the decrease stitch is either leaning to right or to left. The direction is significant, especially when worked in lace. The right leaning decrease is called k2tog and the left leaning decrease skp or ssk. These are the three main methods of decreasing one stitch in knitting. All of them are worked on a Knit row. Most probably you are familiar with these, but do you know how to work these stitches on a Purl row? In this post I will show you the basic methods of decreasing stitches in knitting.
Knit two together decrease (k2tog)
Knit two together (=k2tog) is the most common method of decreasing one stitch in knitting. It is called Single right leaning decrease and it is worked like this: Knit two stitches together as if they were one single stitch. You have now decreased one stitch. The abbreviation is k2tog.
Slip, knit, pass decrease (skp)
There are several methods of working Single left leaning decrease. One of them is Slip, knit, pass decrease. Work skp like this: Slip one stitch knitwise, knit one stitch, pass slipped stitch over the knitted one. The abbreviation is skp (= sl 1, k1, psso).

Slip, slip, knit decrease (ssk)
Ssk looks the same as skp. It is another method of working Single left leaning decrease. In ssk you slip two stitches instead of one and knit them together through back loops. Work ssk like this: Slip 2 stitches knitwise, first one and then the other one, never two at the time. Then return the stitches to left needle and knit them together through back loops. You have now decreased one stitch.
Slip, slip, purl decrease (ssp)
Work ssp like this: With yarn in front, slip 2 stitches knitwise, first one and then the other one, never two at the time. Then return the stitches to left needle and purl them together through back loops. You have now decreased one stitch. When you look at ssp on the right side, it looks the same as ssk.
Purl two together decrease (p2tog)
Work p2tog like this: Purl two stitches together as if they were one single stitch. You have now decreased one stitch. On right side p2tog looks the same as k2tog.
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Wish you happy knitting, Piia Maria